Posted in Fitness

After long periods of non-exercising, muscle toning is usually required. Here you can find some great tips to help you tone up your body and get back in the game:

During your first month of adaptation, it is recommended that you exercise 3 times a week, plus 2 extra times, when you can choose alternative ways of exercising (such as running, cycling or any other sport you may prefer). While there are various types of exercise, for this first month of adjustment, you should workout mainly with free weights and weight resistance training equipment.

1.Start with a warm-up of 15 minutes on the treadmill or on the bike and continue with a program of active stretching for 5 - 10 minutes, in order to “unlock” your joints.

2.In an exercise regimen that is executed 3 times / week (Monday - Wednesday - Friday), it is advisable to include several muscle groups and to alternate exercises in each workout. See below which are the optimal muscle groups to include in your workout during this adjustment period:

  • Shoulders
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Quadriceps
  • Hamstrings
  • Triceps
  • Abs


At the end of each workout, finish with another 15 minutes of stretching which is absolutely necessary for the fast recovery of your muscles.

3.When you start exercising again, sometimes you are tempted to exaggerate because you feel guilty for not working out for so long or because you are anxious to get quick results. But you always need to remember that prevention of injuries is a crucial factor to consider when exercising.

Toning your muscles effectively will help you build the body of your dreams… Now, stop dreaming and start sweating! For more information, contact our professional to help you get back on the gym floor and tone those muscles.

Apostolis Tsagarakis
Pool Coordinator
Holmes Place Maroussi, Greece

Posted in Fitness