How to define abs?

Posted in Fitness, Nutrition and tagged abs, definir, fitness

Reducing belly fat and developing muscles: we tell you all the steps to show off strong abdominals

Did you know that well-marked abs can bring many benefits to your health? They help reduce back pain, improve posture and balance, or prevent injuries.

Either for its qualities or for an aesthetic matter, we tell you how to get a marked abdomen.

Reduce your belly fat

Before you start, make a distinction: having good abdominal muscles is not the same thing as being able to wear them. That is, it is possible that you have been exercising this part of your body for some time without the famous tablet showing up.

If your abdominal fat is more than 18% if you’re a woman or 10% if you’re a man, chances are your squares are covered with a layer of fat. This phenomenon is very common, since the abdomen is one of the places where we store lipids most easily. If you want to lower this percentage, the two most important factors are the type of diet and sport you practice.

Diet and aerobic exercise for well-marked abs

To mark the abdominals try to increase protein intake and moderate unhealthy fats. It is also advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid alcoholic or sugary drinks.

In addition to taking care of your diet, you may also need to adapt your training. Remember to incorporate aerobic activities such as spinning, jogging or swimming. They will help you burn abdominal fat, because after about 40 minutes of exercise, the fat itself becomes the source of energy for the body.

Routine for developing abdominal muscles

Once you’ve controlled your body fat index, it’s time to develop your abs so that they start to score. We propose a series of exercises for you to train this muscle group:

● Abdominal iron with variations: to the traditional iron we can add some variations, such as touching one hand with the other, keeping the balance on one leg, opening and closing the legs with small jumps and more.

● Cycling exercise: Lie on your back and place your hands behind your neck. Bring your right elbow to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. Keep alternating these movements as if you were riding a bike.

● Crunches: the exercise we have commonly known as “doing abdominals”, consists of lying face down with feet on the ground and knees bent and bringing the torso closer to the thighs.

● Leg elevation: lying on your back, raise your legs to an angle of 90 o with your body and lower them slowly.

If, instead of self-directed exercises, you prefer to take part in a group activity, at Holmes Place we have the perfect classes for you, such as Abs Xpress or Les Mill Core.

And remember, there are no secret tricks to get well-marked abs. You won’t be able to use vibrational platforms, plasticize your belly, or follow miraculous formulas. The key to defining your abdomen is work and consistency.

Posted in Fitness, Nutrition and tagged abs, definir, fitness.