Hair loss or stressed-out nails?

Posted in Wellness

Sometimes we need to focus on one particular element to attain total well-being. For example, if your stress level seems to be higher than usual, it can impact your body and mind. Your body actually generates more “fat cells” and at the same time, you crave stimulants such as coffee and alcohol for a fast feel-good. Fortunately, there are several ways to keep those stress levels at a manageable place without compromising efficiency.

Stressed-Out Nails

Finger and toenails are made of a keratin, a protective protein similar to animals’ claws and hooves. Nails protect our fingers and toes. As far back as 3,000 B.C., women of class painted their nails to symbolize their importance in royal hierarchy. Lower-class women could paint their nails soft hues, but would be punished if they dared imitate wealthy women’s deep red or black nail color! Then, as now, a woman’s hands indicated her lifestyle.

There are many reasons why your fingernails may be soft and peeling or brittle and cracking:

Too much water exposure or not enough water consumption – Wear gloves for household chores and dishwashing and be sure to hydrate your nails by drinking plenty of water every day.

•To strengthen weak nails, consider cutting them shorter than usual; short nails are less likely to snag or break.

Chronic nail peeling is caused by lack of moisturizer. It’s important to apply cuticle oil and hand cream as often as possible throughout your day and at bedtime.

Ask your spa professional about a nail soak. Any combination of argan, castor, coconut, olive, tea tree, and vitamin E oils can be blended in a bowl. Soak each hand for 10 minutes. For added benefit, wear gloves to bed following your treatment.

Never ignore hair loss

For women, in particular, hair is a symbol of their personality – are you short, sleek, stylish? What about bouncy and full of life? Many women prefer the best of both worlds – a conservative knot-at-the-nape-of-the-neck that can explode into beautiful cascades!

It’s normal to shed 50-100 hairs per day, but if you notice consistent hair loss over any length of time, discuss it with your medical professional. It’s often the results of genes and aging, but there are other factors that need to be explored. Some medical conditions associated with air loss include:

• Alopecia areata
• Cancer and/or cancer treatments
• Childbirth
• Crash diets
• Diabetes
• Extreme stress
• Hormone therapy (including birth control)
• Lupus
• Muscular dystrophy
• Pituitary gland
• Thyroid
• Too-tight weaves or ponytails

Hair Repair Solutions

Some treatments, such as laser and Minoxidil for pattern baldness are medically approved, including hair transplants. If these treatments will restore your confidence in yourself, then they are right for you!

Other people opt to maintain a nutritious diet regimen, exercise, and spiritual energy-renewal classes to reinforce their beauty from within. Once you have verified there are no health issues that cause or result from hair loss, talk to your hair stylist about new cuts and curls that will enhance your beauty and work with your hair loss rather than against it.

If looking in the mirror brings a happy smile to your face, you’re doing something right! We appreciate your thoughts and ideas for improvements to our women’s health programs, including tips for natural beauty.

Posted in Wellness