
We have a team of licensed physiotherapists ready to ensure a personalized service with a high-level of technique.

No pain, just gain

We act in the prevention and recovery of injuries, in the improvement of posture and in the reduction of pain in order to provide you with a better life quality.


The work of this kind of approach is centered on the body but its benefits happen also on your mind. Our expert group of physiotherapists will also help you build an optimistic and lively state of mind.

Keeps you moving

Those muscles that sometimes are forgotten even by the most active people are activated during a good physiotherapy session: cause it's all about working your whole body towards a fitter body.

Let's get physio

Holmes Places' clubs provide Physiotherapy services to help you Enjoy The Journey. All the gain with no pain. 

Hard core workout at home

We are focusing on the core today and getting those abs ripped. It's our hardcore hard cor...


On the building blocks of Happiness – bit by bit every day

From the ancient philosophers such as Seneca, Plato and Aristotle to the Founding Fathers...


Full-body workout at home

We go full-body today. Bodyweight only, you can perform this workout at home easily.


Run Better Guide: How to be the best runner you can be

Run, rest, repeat. We all know the drill.


Circuit Training at Home

Coming full-circuit? Try these and make the time you spend at home the most empowering yet...


Our People - Dionysis Karapanos - Club Manager Holmes Place Glyfada

Dionysis Karapanos, Club Manager @Holmes Place Glyfada in Greece, shares his passion for a...
