

Holmes Place Nutritionists develop a plan based on your physical condition, weight goals and overall personal preferences. They make it easy to follow and customized for you, making it a more enjoyable Journey.

Personal plan

After taking your measurements and analyzing your metabolic age, our nutritionists will design a complete and balanced meal plan that fits your lifestyle and goals.

Permanent support

Whether your goal is to improve your physical performance, lose weight or meet a new goal, our experts will provide support and guidance throughout your journey.

Enjoy the journey

In our Blog you’ll find healthy recipes, cooking tips and smart nutrition advice to make sure that eating well is always a pleasure
Learn to eat well

Eat well, live better

Eating properly is fundamental to a healthy life.

Hard core workout at home

We are focusing on the core today and getting those abs ripped. It's our hardcore hard cor...


On the building blocks of Happiness – bit by bit every day

From the ancient philosophers such as Seneca, Plato and Aristotle to the Founding Fathers...


Full-body workout at home

We go full-body today. Bodyweight only, you can perform this workout at home easily.


Run Better Guide: How to be the best runner you can be

Run, rest, repeat. We all know the drill.


Circuit Training at Home

Coming full-circuit? Try these and make the time you spend at home the most empowering yet...


Our People - Dionysis Karapanos - Club Manager Holmes Place Glyfada

Dionysis Karapanos, Club Manager @Holmes Place Glyfada in Greece, shares his passion for a...
