Air Fit by Holmes Place - Group Class

Posted in Fitness and tagged Fitness, Workout , Class, Group Class, Trampoline

Air Fit is a full body workout in a high-intensity class. The rhythms of the music and the motivation of the group will guarantee to keep you jumping towards your goals.

Air Fit is a fun and energy filled Holmes Place group class that will help you bounce your way towards fitness and wellbeing. 

How does it work?

Every person get’s its own trampoline and the Instructor sets the challenge and guides every movement, every step of the class. Feeling like a child again is just one of the amazing benefits for fitness and wellbeing that this exercise will get you.

Does Air Fit burn calories and help in weight loss?

With just 10-minutes of Air Fit workout you can expect to get results that are equivalent to running for half an hour. The high intensity cardiovascular activity gets compacted into a shorter period of time.  In an Air Fit class you can expect to burn 600 to 800 calories, depending on the effort and overall physical condition. Jumping will help to kick start the metabolism and this in turn will result in higher caloric burn.


Is it suitable for cardio training and what is the impact of Air Fit in bones and joints?

Jumping can help improve bone density, as the body is designed to respond to the acceleration and deceleration and gravitational pull of trampoline jumping with denser and stronger bones. The added benefit is the reduced pressure in bones and joints, compared to activities like running or jump squatting. This also reduces the risk of injuries and prepares the body to respond to other activities, like outdoor sports and challenges.

Does Air Fit help with balance and equilibrium?

You bet! The unstable surface of the trampoline will be permanently challenging the body to adjust and adapt. This increases the sense of proprioception, increases the understanding of the body’ coordination, motor skills and balance. A perfect pose will ultimately help to perform better and keep up to the challenges during class.

Be inspired:

Not to ‘jump to conclusions’ but this is the perfect class to include cardio and fun in the workout plan. If you too think it’s time to give it a try find the available schedules at your Holmes Place Club.

Find more Holmes Place signature classes here

Posted in Fitness and tagged Fitness, Workout , Class, Group Class, Trampoline.