Circuit Xpress: Improve technical skills that make your everyday activities easier

Posted in Fitness and tagged Xpress Classes, Classes, Fitness, Workout, Circuit, Circuit Xpress

Work on manual resistance using your own weight and with new props and equipment.

Circuit Xpress is that kind of special class. In its 15 minutes, Circuit Xpress will help you improve the technical and physical skills that make your everyday activities easier.  

This is a circuit workout that allows you to train with agility ladders, medicine balls, kettlebells and battling ropes by blending High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and Functional Training. The main focus of this 15-minutes Circuit Xpress class is on movement rather than muscles and it will help you improving your overall fitness.

Check out all of our Xpress Classes here.

Posted in Fitness and tagged Xpress Classes, Classes, Fitness, Workout, Circuit, Circuit Xpress.