GoPersonal Physio by Holmes Place

Posted in Fitness and tagged Fitness, Personal Training, Physiotherapy, Exercise, Expertise, Guidance, Workout, GoPersonal

The route to improving your health - whether it’s your back or your brain - is to keep on moving. But when you’re experiencing pain from an injury or health condition, sometimes it’s the last thing you want to do.

Working with a licensed physiotherapist will help you regain control, prevent and recover from injuries, and rehabilitate you faster, in a safer way. It’s not just for athletes or those with severe back problems, but also for those aspiring to improve training. GoPersonal Physio can transform your life in many surprising ways.

Physio for prevention

We take a proactive approach. Our carefully programmed, fully personalised and evidence-based service is designed to prevent injuries, improve posture and provide you with a better quality of life. Exercises that activate muscles often left neglected can improve strength, mobility and full-body fitness, keeping you moving and preventing aches, pains and injuries becoming a problem. 


Keep on keeping on

Slowing down isn’t necessarily a requirement that comes with ageing - don’t listen to those myths that tell you nothing is reversible. If you’ve been injured, working with our physios will show you how to keep on exercising, despite any difficulties you might be experiencing. Problems with balance, muscle weakness and regular aches can be addressed with GoPersonal Physio - no matter how old you are. Our physiotherapists will work with you to create a tailored plan to fit your abilities, health issues, personality and lifestyle. 


Top of the game

Every one of our friendly physiotherapists are trained, certified experts. They’ll look at addressing the causes and symptoms of any pain, delivering top-level techniques and science-backed strategies to combat them. At every step, you’re driven by passion, empathy and a vast knowledge of how the body works. Together, you’ll break down walls and see real positive change.


State-of-the-art facilities

As well as benefiting from one-on-one attention from a trained physiotherapist, you’ll also have access to the very best training equipment, classes, and other facilities at Holmes Place. Our wide range of functional training facilities maximises the benefits of our in-depth physio service. Combined with advice from physiotherapists at the top of their game, you’ll be on the road to recovery from injury and back to training in no time. 


Wellbeing where it matters

Your mind and your body aren’t separate entities. Wellness is multi-faceted, so GoPersonal Physio is too. While treating pain and injury is done primarily through physical means, such as exercise and massage, our group of experts will also work with you to grow a more energised, positive state of mind. 


Helping you thrive at Holmes Place

Physiotherapy is for you if you’re not moving as easily as you used to or you’re in pain, whether that’s a little niggle or a constant hindrance. Worried you’ll exercise wrong and escalate those aches, or even do more damage to yourself? Not sure which exercises are best for you? Or whether you can even do them at all? The real question here is who to ask for help. Get in touch and let our physiotherapists guide you to a better way of life.

Posted in Fitness and tagged Fitness, Personal Training, Physiotherapy, Exercise, Expertise, Guidance, Workout, GoPersonal.