The executive workout: get back to work and routine in your best shape

Posted in Fitness and tagged Active Lifestyle, Fitness, Lifestyle, Routine, Workout

The executive workout to help you get back to work and routine in your best shape. Get ready to conquer your best workday... everyday.

The executive workout: Research has been showing the harms of sitting for long periods of time and the hours you spent at your desk are now being seen as equivalents of the health harms of smoking cigarettes. So if it is really true that “sitting is the new smoking” there are steps you need to take to make sure you avoid the harm associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

From the time you are driving to work, or sitting on transportation, staying at your chair in the office or sitting on your couch when you relax after work, sitting is taking up most of our daytime and it’s having really adverse effects on our health.

Desk break exercises:

Stand up from your desk and squat. Repeat 5 – 10 times.

Rotate pelvis from right to left and back looking over your shoulders. Repeat 5 – 10 times.

Stretch your arms and bend forward (touch your toes) and back (aim for the ceiling). Repeat 5-10 times.

Follow our special workout at work:

Break time suggestions:

Use the stairs (sprint upwards)

Take a stroll around the office at lunchtime

Go to your club for a speedy workou

Outside the office:

This is a fast-paced and quick workout for those who have little time to waste: a circuit routine with six exercises. Do the first workout twice, 30” per exercise and no resting period. Upon finishing the first circuit, stop and recover for 1 minute and then start over. Overall you’ll get the full body exercise that keeps you energized and healthy.

Workout inspiration by Holmes Place expert: Anna Santidrian

Find more fitness tips on our blog.

Posted in Fitness and tagged Active Lifestyle, Fitness, Lifestyle, Routine, Workout.