X-Celerate by Holmes Place - Group Class

Posted in Fitness and tagged X-Celerate, Group class, Classes, workout, fitness, cardio

Inspired in interval intensity training X-Celerate is a group class designed by Holmes Place to meet your goals with a fun twist.

In just 45 minutes you’ll work coordination, flexibility, aerobics, cardio and strength in different sets of exercises. Following the instructor’s choreography you’ll be invited to experiment different movements, positions and transitions that will focus on all the different body areas. Most of the movements will be delivered with different levels that are developed to respond to your effort expectations and allow progression. 

The complexity of the movements is not as relevant as it is their repetition and dynamism. So each of the 11 tracks is accompanied by a simple to follow sequence of movements and if you’re not following one of the tracks, you’ll always be reassured that soon another one will follow where you get a chance to pick up from the start. 

Each of these movements is performed with speed, intensity and intention but always benefits from the impact of the music. The playlist tacks are selected from the latest most powerful hits to make sure you are pumped with high energy and ready to ‘dance’. And you’ll never get bored as there are new tracks and corresponding choreographies being introduced regularly. Adding to these cardio focus you also have a set of exercises designed for abs, making sure your core gets as much attention as arms, legs and bottom that more directly benefit from the choreography stages. Class will end with a recuperation period where you’ll extend and stretch your muscles, releasing the tension and allowing the muscles to cool down and relax.

Overall it’s a full workout with high intensity and low complexity that is perfect for when you’re wanting fast results with little time. Your fitness levels, energy and overall wellbeing will increase as you include X-Celerate in your workout weekly plans. Depending on your actual condition and performance during the class, these 45 minutes can mean a calorie burn of about 600 calories. 

Be inspired by X-Celerate

Need any more reasons to try? Come visit your Club and get ready to have fun while you test your limits.

Find more Holmes Place signature classes here

Posted in Fitness and tagged X-Celerate, Group class, Classes, workout, fitness, cardio.