Why dancing makes you happy

Posted in Lifestyle and tagged Dance, Fitness, Music, Happiness

Humans have danced since ancient times, but there’s a growing appetite in recent years - especially for older men and women.

We can feel the power of moving and grooving as we’re doing it, but exactly why dancing make us happy is down to a number of factors...


We’ve all watched a baby dance with glee to a feel-good song. But have you ever wondered how the baby knows how to dance? The tiny human can’t talk, its parents have never explained the art of dance to them - yet this pint-sized non-communicating infant somehow knows what to do. That’s because dancing is our natural instinct, helping us express emotions and communicate. There’s so much more to why dancing makes you happy than you realise...


1 - Works wonders on our mental health

Dance is both therapeutic and natural. From the toe tappers to the head bobbers, we all do it without even realising. When we dance, our bodies release endorphins for pain relief. These endorphins are the best medicine for depression, anxiety and stress. Learning a new routine makes you think: one member of a Dance for Parkinson’s class even told The Guardian: “I was in a very black place mentally when I came here, but dance keeps me alive.”


2 - Brilliant social interaction

Loneliness kills more people than obesity according to a study by Brigham Young University. Other recent studies on social isolation have highlighted the huge impact loneliness can have on our wellbeing. So much so, governments across the world are campaigning for us all to look out for signs of isolation, especially in the elderly community. The social dimension of dance is almost as important as the physical exercise. Dance classes are one of the best ways to engage in the community and meet others, which can work wonders on your mental wellbeing.


3 - Great relaxation

It’s not all about energetic moves to high-energy beats. Dance can be gentle and relaxing, making you sway as gentle as a tree in a breeze rather than spinning around like a New York breakdancer. For those who lack mobility, soft movements in wheelchairs can benefit mental and physical wellbeing. There are so many forms to take advantage of.


4 - Boosts self esteem 

Sometimes we need a little encouragement to get out and exercise or socialise. Mixing the two together can be daunting. Don’t let negative inner voices deprive you of the joy of dance: embrace it and engage in its glory. Once you get over the first few minutes of inhibitions, you’ll laughing and burning off the pounds in the most natural way possible. Don’t worry about messing up moves - even Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev made mistakes and he’s a Swan-Lake superstar.


5 - Stimulates creativity

Dance is a form of expression. For centuries, men and women of tribes and communities have used the art of dance to symbolise thoughts and ideas. This creativeness can help us express our own feelings and this self expression can have a wonderful effect on our overall wellbeing.

Find the perfect rhythm for you in one of our group classes here.

Posted in Lifestyle and tagged Dance, Fitness, Music, Happiness.