Six strong reasons to try progressive yoga

Udostepnij post Fitness and tagged Holmes Place classes, Group classes, Yoga, Progressive Yoga

Let us let you in on a secret: you are fully capable of doing a headstand. Not in a year, not in five years, but at your next progressive yoga class. Don’t believe us? Read on...

Progressive yoga is one of the most rewarding classes you can take this year. Tailored to you and your abilities, the joyful practice allows you to develop your asanas until you can hold each pose in a relaxed, confident and stress-free manner.

We’re firm believers that a perfect body is where a strong person lives. We’re not talking strong as in lifting entire trucks while bulking up on 10 protein shakes a day - but strong as in able to carry out your life comfortably.

Whether that’s lifting up your grandson or carrying shopping home, our progressive yoga classes provide a harmonious environment to improve your functional fitness. With the support of clever, comfortable equipment, our classes are inclusive, safe and full of fun challenges. Learn more...

Six perks of progressive yoga:

1.    Everyone is welcome

From couch potatoes to Yogi experts, the beauty of progressive yoga is that it’s for everyone. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to practice inversions using the FeetUp Trainer yoga chair we use in our classes. If you’re a brave beginner, you’ll be upside-down in minutes. If you’re a seasoned Yogi, you can build upon the headstand postures you’ve learned in previous classes.

2.    It’s safer on your body

Aches, pains, soreness, tightness - progressive yoga is the roadmap to avoiding all of these dysfunctions. Slowly progressing with postures that help lengthen your spine and strengthen your muscles, you’ll soothe one of the most common conditions making day-to-day life a misery - back pain. Using the yoga chair also takes the pressure off your neck and spine, making it the safest way to practice inversions without injury.

3.    It relieves stress and tightness

If you’re overworked, you’re more than likely tight in the body, too. From surgeons to pilots, those with ultra-high-stress lifestyles and occupations love progressive yoga. Of course, we don’t all need to enrol as hostage negotiators to reap the benefits - nearly all of us experience stressors on the body and mind during the working week. Dedicating time to progress in this practice means you can build on your ability to breathe, calm, focus, balance and relax your body and mind.

4.    Flexibility for all

Whatever your level of fitness, progressive yoga helps build elasticity in your body. With practice, you’ll expand your range of motion, unlocking those tight, tense areas (you know the ones) and melting into lovely, deeper stretches.

5.    Better balance

As well as better mobility and increased strength, progressive yoga classes are powerhouses for balance-building. Hold onto the secure frame of the FeetUp Trainer and you’ll keep your balance easily, enjoying a delightfully dizzy-free transition from the ground, up.

6.    Creativity blossoms

Progressive yoga is one of the gentlest ways to evolve into more daring and creative asanas. Some members shy away from the FeetUp yoga chair at first - intimidated about going upside-down. Which, let’s face it, most people haven’t done since they were in the playground.

But once they softly move into a headstand (in minutes!) their faces light up. They stop thinking of fitness as a chore and start thinking of it as a strength-building, goal-getting, life-enhancing playtime. The sky’s the limit - read more about our signature progressive yoga classes here.

Udostepnij post Fitness and tagged Holmes Place classes, Group classes, Yoga, Progressive Yoga.