Class of the month: Pilates

Posted in Fitness

Challenge and strengthen your muscles with Pilates. This class offers the perfect blend of exercise and stretching using your own bodyweight, springs, balls and fitness equipment.

Posture benefits
The discipline helps to improve posture and balance promoting a higher proprioception (the understanding of your own body in space) and it also helps to reduce stress and decompress your spine.

Long-lasting results
Spinal alignment and reaching a neutral pose is the main goal of the class, producing results that will last for long after the 60 minute class. Breathing deeply at the same time will boost the feeling of relaxation and guide each movement.
Transitions and poses are done slowly in a controlled fashion that keeps the necessary tension, promoting toned muscles and increasing the body’s resistance.

Depending on your overall physical condition and the effort invested in the class you can expect to burn an average of 200 to 300 calories in a one-hour class.

At-home Pilates
If you missed your Pilates class at the club here is a easy sequence you can do at home. Increase repetitions and pose times adjusting the level of the challenge to your preferences:

Dynamic core plank
15 repetitions – both sides

Dynamic core plank yoga 1 Dynamic core plank yoga 2

Kneeling Side kick
15 repetitions – both sides

90 degree knee abs yoga 1 Kneeling Side kick yoga 2

90 degree knee abs
7 breaths pose – 15 repetitions

90 degree knee abs final yoga 1 90 degree knee abs yoga 2

10 repetitions

Superman yoga 1 Superman yoga 2

Side teaser
10 repetitions – both sides

Side teaser yoga 1 Side teaser yoga 2

Posted in Fitness